It was a huge success! And the Backstory is pretty good too.

Talking on the porch

The idea for the online Medical Expenses sale came through a conversation between my son, Tim and myself. Tim visited in May, 2018 after I ruptured my left Achilles heel. And there was more. I needed to see a Pulmonologist about a cough that would not go away. At the end of his visit we understood that I was facing two emergency procedures that would likely cost around $12,000 in Costa Rica. Both could be done through the private medical system.

Why not use the free National health care system? The CAJA or Costa Rica’s National Health Care program would be free but the emergency situation pretty much ruled out waiting for surgery dates.

Why not use Medicare through the US? Though it was an option I again ruled it out because of the emergency nature of the tendon surgery. And it was better for me to undergo the healing process here in a familiar place. And it could actually become more expensive through Medicare with unknown follow ups, travel expenses and other logistics.

Tim and I also discussed the financing. What if he and Shelby loaned me the $12,000 and I repaid him later. How? What about an online painting sale? After all, what I had most of was paintings. It was a great idea!

First things first. The surgeries. Right away was the surgery to repair my ruptured Achilles tendon in late May with a revered local Orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Mario Hernandez at Las Americas Hospital in San Isidro. Tim and I also set the date for the surgical lung biopsy that was necessary to diagnose my lung disease. We timed it to coincide with a planned visit from him and his brother, Mike for early July. The brachial intercostal biopsy would be performed by Dr. Guido, Thoracic surgeon at Hospital Biblica in San Jose. (If interested, you can several articles about the process under Writings on my website.

Youngest son Jonathan jumped aboard with a willingness to create the painting sale pages on my website. Using high quality photos from here, he had it all up and running by October 1.

Finishing painting set up in my indoor studio - with casted foot elevated as per doctor's orders

Finishing painting set up in my indoor studio – with casted foot elevated as per doctor’s orders

My job would be to spend my recovery time finishing paintings for the sale so that Tim could take them back with him in July in his suitcase!

The results!

  • The sales and donations covered 100% of my Medical Expenses.
  • Over half the paintings sold!  A total of forty four (out of 80) of paintings went out to new owners from as far away as Costa Rica and The Netherlands! Thank you Everyone!  And special thanks to the Shipping Department, two Seattle friends Sue Partridge and Rebecca Barnes.
  • Thank you to all who helped along the way!  My Tico family here – Anita, Billy and so many fellow immigrant friends who came to help when I needed around the clock care at home:  Jill, Roni, Wynn, Marie, Suzanna, Roberta, Brenda, Sue, Jan, Kai, Cathy..
  • The remaining paintings are still available at sale prices on my website. We may be updating in the months to come.  Thank you all.  .

On the road again

The healing continues and I’ve been told it takes awhile to get back to ‘normal’.  I’m pleased to be back to walking my dogs and slowly increasing the distance.  Pura Vida!