Re-Creating Health – A Personal Visual Approach

Re-Creating Health – A Personal Visual Approach

Throughout the years since my beloved husband and best friend Frank passed away on March 10, 2014 our occasional contact always began the same. Suddenly I would be wide awake to see the digital clock display a noteworthy numerical sequence:  11:11.  12.34.  Now it was precisely 12:00.  I got up and went to my computer to wait to see if he had something to say….

A Coconut Palm Demo – Intensive #1, 2018

A Coconut Palm Demo – Intensive #1, 2018

We were a few days into the first Intensive of 2018. Two exuberant students, both from Florida and they had zillions of questions. We covered paints and color relationships and suddenly they both wanted to know more how to approach a palm tree! With questions like:...